

Get the most from your Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Management & Threat Intelligence Data

Gamified Remediation Orchestration

Collaborative Risk Management

Universal Visibility and Understanding

Attack Surface Monitoring

RISKREVELATION is the revolutionary Platform that:

  • Centralises Multiple Threat Data Sources into one Universe

  • Optimises remediation through prioritisation, incentivisation and collaboration

  • transforms the way penetration test, vulnerability scan and threat data is used to improve security posture

  • leverages existing spend, vulnerability management systems and penetration testing results

The Desk Top Report is Dead. IntroducingRISKREVELATION(0.54mins) >Sound ON + Fullscreen


REMEDIATION GAMIFIED: the remediation team (systems administrators, network administrators etc) is rewarded for fixing the most important issues first. Fixes are typically applied 20x faster than when emailed in a .csv file.

RISKS IDENTIFIED AND VISUALISED: Penetration test, vulnerability scan & threat data is collated, correlated, normalised and visualised from multiple sources across your entire IT universe.

RISKS QUANTIFIED AND PRIORITISED: powerful algorithm contextualises risk and impact so business priorities and security or compliance metrics are met.

For Service Providers.

More valuable client relationships

Most managed service providers would like to find ways of…

  • Showing risk-owners the real ROI of on-going risk monitoring services

  • Differentiating their services from other look-a-like providers

  • Ensuring all their clients’ identified risks are addressed quickly

  • Providing on-going regular services that improve their clients’ security posture

For Risk Owners.

Right stuff gets done. Faster.

Most information risk owners would sleep better if they had…

  • Consolidated up to date Threat Intelligeance, Penetration Test and Vulnerability Scan data,

  • a highly visual format that made issues easy to spot

  • a highly motivated remediation team, incentivised and rewarded for fixing things likely to cause the biggest problems…before they do!

  • a straight forward way of explaining and showing cyber risk status to the board

We work with companies to ingest and normalise Penetration Test results, Threat Intelligence and Vulnerability Assessment data from multiple sources to:


The risk owner will never need to dig out a dusty penetration test report again.  The results from all ingested vulnerability scan data and penetration test results are visible in one screen so that context can be drawn from across their estate, systems and sources. Zoom out for the big picture and in for the detail. This system makes the real issues highly visible. 

Understand and share the pain.


A powerful algorithm prioritises issues based on five factors.  Removes subjectivity and allows for data driven allocation of precious time and budget to the things that present the highest risk to the business.

Take back control


Risk issues are awarded points according to their importance. The status of outstanding issues is visible to all risk owners and stakeholders. Leader board, rewards, recognition and accolades keep the remediation teams highly motivated to deliver results that protect the business.   

The right stuff gets done

What they’re saying

“The visuals are stunning. It’s the first thing my remedition guys want to login into when they start work; because of that our security posture is being transformed in front of my eyes ”

— IT Director, Leisure Industry.

“Finally! I’ve got buy-in from The Board. They can see and understand our risks. They get it. ”

— Head of Security, MSP.

“The fact that I can consolidate and visualise all my different pen test and vulnerability reports gives me peace of mind that I’m not missing anything. I can also see which risk owners are fixing risk and who’s just accepting it.”

— CISO, Cloud Services Provider.

RISKREVELATION shows me where I need to deploy my resources across the organisation. It has highlighted some real disparities in skills and resources in different departments. These need to be redistributed. The contextual and pervasive risk scoring mean we’re prioritsing and fixing issues quicker than ever.”

— E-Commerce Director, On-line retail company.

“here is a product that lets you manage, align, remedy and quantify your vulnerabilities in a really organised way....oh and by the way....BOOM it renders them into a universe of planets".

— Head of Penetration Testing (CTL), Penetration Testing Company.

RISKREVELATION is best experienced through our on-line demo portal. Please register here to book an appointment.