In the latest release of the Cyber Risk Management platform PLANETPENTEST has rebranded as RISKREVELATION to reflect its new features and advanced cyber security risk a a management capabilities. Whilst the presentation and remediation of penetration testing issues is still at the heart of the platform RISKREVELATION now also ingests vulnerability scan, network mapping and threat intelligence data from multiple sources to provide a universal view of an organisations cyber security risk. The built in algorithms then orchestrate, prioritise and gamify remediation tasks so the right stuff get done. Fast.

Further enhancements:

Risk Management - once assets (hosts and applications) are registered in the platform, risk can be assigned, tracked and quantified by OS, Risk Owner, Area or System to understand systemic and endemic causes. Remediation tasks are assigned, tracked and chased automatically saving CISOs hours.

Global Mapping - RISKREVELATION maps automatically using traceroute or scanner data allowing risk owners to monitor and visualise global networks and systems whilst uploading penetration test, vulnerability management reports and threat intelligence data from disparate or different tools, suppliers, service providers or teams for collation, normalisation and comparison.

Attack Surface Monitoring - RISKREVELATION acts an attack surface monitoring system. APIs run automatically to consume continuous monitoring or scanning data of an organisations attack surface and identify and visualise potential points of attack.

Release notes can be found here

MSPs looking to use RISKREVELATION to enhance their cyber risk management offering by leveraging existing tools should click here

Penetration Testing companies looking to provide continuous testing services or enhance their reporting to clients should click here

Risk Owners looking to manage their cyber security risk by collating and aggregating threat data from many sources should click here


Release notes 2.11.2


AppCheck and PLANETPENTEST partnership