Shannon Simpson Shannon Simpson


In the latest release of the Cyber Risk Management platform PLANETPENTEST has rebranded as RISKREVELATION to reflect its new features and advanced cyber security data ingestion capabilities.

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I bet you there’s no better way to view your security data
Shannon Simpson Shannon Simpson

I bet you there’s no better way to view your security data

Here’s a challenge for you. If you can show me another platform, software or service that allows you to view, in one pane of glass:
all of your penetration test results across all of your applications, network hosts, virtual hosts, cloud environments and systems.

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Increasing the relevance and value of Penetration Testing (why don’t people fix issues?)
Shannon Simpson Shannon Simpson

Increasing the relevance and value of Penetration Testing (why don’t people fix issues?)

In an Agile world, pen testing has become something of a lumbering exception. Where the development process has matured and changed with changing business demand, pen testing has lagged behind in a world of static reports, out of date findings and limited successful remediation. If this sounds harsh, it is meant to, and I speak as a former pen tester and Check Team Leader and a principle of a UK security consultancy which ran a very successful penetration testing team for nearly 20 years.

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