Frequently asked questions.


RISKREVELATION must be purchased through an authorised partner along with your penetration testing or vulnerability management services. Drop us a line to find your nearest partner. If you would like your favourite penetration testing company to become a partner then please encourage them to get in touch.

What data sources are ingested by RISKREVELATION?

We are constantly working on updating our list of APIs to ingested penetration test and vulnerability data. Currently we take data from Tenable, Qualys, Dradis, AppCheck, Nessus, BurpSuite, NMAP, XDB and other Penetration Testing reporting tools (NB. RISKREVELATION can be used as a reporting tool in itself). If you’d like us to build and API for your reporting or Penetration Testing tool then please get in touch.

How do you secure clients data?

We take this very seriously. There is a whole page dedicated to answering this here.

How is it priced?

RISKREVELATION is a subsciption based service based on the number of planets (hosts) and solar systems (applications) you have in your galaxy (IT estate). You can have as any users as you like, upload as much data as you like and use the platform as much as you like. Prices start from as little as £400 per month.